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Oncology Second Opinion

Oncology Second Opinion

Errors in cancer diagnosises are likely the most harmful and expensive types of diagnostic mistakes. Some studies reported that missed cancer diagnoses represents 46% of primary care diagnostic errors, most commonly from lung, colorectal, prostate, or breast cancer1. Misdiagnosis can lead to high severity harm, and some reports indicate that cancer represents 38% of high-severity harm among diagnostic error malpractice claim cases2.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is often filled with shock, disbelief, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. Coping with the diagnosis often means dealing with uncertainty, fear of the unknown, including the side effects of treatment and the progression of the disease. Understanding complex medical information, treatment options, and making informed decisions can be daunting during this difficult and frightening period. A second opinion may give you peace of mind that you have considered all options.

What can we do for you?

  • Offer access to oncology experts who may identify other treatments that can be more suitable for you.
  • Review and advise if the diagnosis and the treatment plans are appropriate.
  • Highlight alternative treatment options and offering the latest information on clinical trials that might not have been considered initially.
  • Provide detailed reporting that aims to clear up any confusion you might have had.
  • Get a second opinion available as fast as possible to improve your confident in your medical care and perhaps eliminate unnecessary procedures and surgeries.

See Oncology Sample Report.

This website is an informative site that aims to offer its users find helpful information regarding a second opinion services that will be suitable for their medical condition. The content provided in this website is not and shall not be taken as expert or professional medical advice for any matter and is not an alternative to an in-person physician consultation. Our services are different from the diagnostic service typically provided by a physician, as the physicians do not have the benefit of information that would be obtained by examining you in person, observing your physical condition, or conducting diagnostic testing to the specifications of the physician. Therefore, the physician may not be aware of facts or information that would affect the physician ́s medical opinion of your condition. In some cases, these facts may be critical to the opinion. USARAD is not responsible for potential errors in opinion resulting from missing, incomplete, poorly translated or illegible records, or poor-quality images